Friday, 21 October 2011

A Public Service Announcement

Greetings, True Believers!

This week’s Bullpen Bulletin comes to you with both regret and excitement.

I have an unfortunate announcement of potentially pared production here at Frowning Towers.  Alas, ‘the man behind the curtain’ is concentrating on both that noble endeavour of finding gainful employment and some enthralling SUPER SECRET PROJECTS!!! * that truly take time to tether and top off.

Yet fear not, my four faithful fans!  The loyal lackeys here at Frowning Towers have assured me that although the always appreciated monthly missives may be abridged, they shall not be abated and alternative and exciting experimental entertainments shall be available very soon!

So expect all the thrills, spills, shocks and moribund misery you have come to enjoy, either here or in different forms!  

In the words of the bard himself, Isaac Asimov, “If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I’d type a little faster”


Tom Druker

*Watch this space, True Believers